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Sambhaji’s sacrifice drawn the attention of the saints of Ayodhya, Dharmacharyas appreciated the film Chhawa

VIDEO: Sambhaji's sacrifice caught the attention of the saints of Ayodhya, Dharmacharyas appreciated the film Chhawa

In Ayodhya, sensitive saints towards Indian culture watched the film Chhawa on the initiative of Mayor Mahant Girishpati Tripathi. The saints were seen to be distracted by the film’s scene. In a cinema hall in the city, saints, councilors and others watched the film. Through the film, the Mughal history came from the dark side. The film is based on Aurangzeb’s cruelty with Sambhaji, the leader of the Maratha Empire. The saints watching the film said that the initiative taken by the mayor is commendable. This led to a hidden information in history. Many poignant episodes have also been filmed in the film. The bright side of the humanity and sensation of the Marathas has emerged, which is proud. Mayor Mahant Girishpati Tripathi, who was present in the film Darshan program, said that saints and people are sensitive to the country and society. Therefore, it was decided to show the film to get acquainted with the untouched aspect of history. Mahant Awadhesh Das, Mahant Maithili Sharan, Mahant Vivek Achari, Mithila Bihari Das, Manish Das, Sharad Shukla, Mahant Shripal, Councilor Ajay Pandey, Sunil Yadav, Dharmendra Mishra, Surya Tiwari, Ramshankar Nishad, Deepchand, Manish Chaudhary, Vikas Kumar were present on the occasion.

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