{“_ID”: “67b8946c5f844532f20f80e5”, “Slug”: “The-DJ-Operator-Ris-His-Companion-Andere-Bloods -Were-Loted-Aayodhya-NEWS-C-C-C-97-1-Ayo1002-125251-20251-2025-21 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Ayodhya: “Ayodhya:” Ayodhya News: DJ operators and partners threatened and rob goods “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_HN “:” City and state “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” City -nd-States “}
Dialogue News Agency, Ayodhya
Updated Fri, 21 Feb 2025 08:27 pm IST

Tarun. Luxury vehicle riders escaped late Friday night by robbing the goods of a DJ operator. The incident is of Takminganj market under Tarun police station. Lalu Kumar, a resident of Kewlapur village, said in Tahrir given to the police that he works to play DJs in marriage. At around 2:30 pm on 20/21 February, the DJ was taking off the goods at the shop when he returned home. Meanwhile, 5-6 people arrived from a luxury vehicle and stopped and started asking the way to Ayodhya. After a while, all the people landed and caught the victim and his partner. The accused said that if you shout, they will shoot. Meanwhile, two big DJs and one small, a mixer, 12 channels, D Max Lite took away on their car. Inspector -in -charge Lallan Yadav said that information about the incident has been received.