{“_ID”: “67b754FD6FC1E738e10Abcd9”, “Slug”: “The-Tenants-Had-HAD-to-to-to-the-to-Village-Thiaves-STOLE-STOLE-to-theeir-ballong ings-yodhya-new-c-97-1-yo1005-125212-2025-2025-02-20 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Ayodhya News: Tenants went to the village, thieves crossed the goods “,” Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and state “,” Slug “:” Slug “:” Slug “:” Slug-states “}}
Dialogue News Agency, Ayodhya
Updated Thu, 20 Feb 2025 09:44 pm IST

Ayodhya. In the city’s Kaushalpuri Colony, he went to his village with a tenant family. Returning from there, many valuables of the house were found missing. The victim has filed a case in Nagar Ketwali. In the FIR registered, Anil Tyagi said that he lives in a rented house in Kaushalpuri Colony. On 11 February, he went to his village in Dhedheda in Saharanpur district. On 14 February, his landlord DK Tiwari moved to his village in Pratapgarh. When he returned from there, he came to know that the thieves had crossed the precious goods by breaking the lock of his room. Nagar Kotwal Ashwini Pandey said that the case is being investigated by registering the case.