Milkipur by -election: 47.51 Percent Youth Voters will become destiny makers, will play a decisive role – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
Post published:February 4, 2025
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– Photo: Amar Ujala
Young voters will play a decisive role in the by -election in Ayodhya Milkipur. About 47.51 percent of the voters are under 40 years of age. Whichever party will have votes in favor of a particular party, their pan will be heavy. For this reason, all political parties are also keeping an eye on young voters.
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Milkipur has a total of 3,71,578 voters. Of these, the number of voters under the age of 40 is 1,76,567. In this way about 47.51 percent of the voters are youth. According to the voter list, Milkipur has 77,166 voters between 18 and 29 years of age, which is 26.61 percent of the total voters. After this, the highest number of voters are 30 to 39 years of age. There are a total of 98,891 voters of this age. If all voters between the ages of 18 to 39 are mixed together, then the number of voters between 18 and 39 years of age is 47.51 percent.
Young voters also have many issues of their own. These include education, employment, law and order, skill development and other facilities. Young voters want employment, law and order should be strong, especially for women. Talking about skill development, it is also important. The youth have special emphasis on skill development along with education so that after completing education, they do not have to wander around for skill development.
Latfi Latifi is also an issue among the youth in repeated investigation over alleged disturbances in government recruitments. In the by -election in Milkipur, candidates of both BJP and SP parties have promised to provide employment among the youth.