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Milkipur By-election: Sangh Exerted Strength From Behind The Scenes, This Is How The Strategy To Win The Elec – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Milkipur by-election: Sangh exerted strength from behind the scenes, this is how the strategy to win the elec

CM Yogi and Mohan Bhagwat
– Photo: Amar Ujala


Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has also given its full strength to ensure the victory of Bharatiya Janata Party in Milkipur by-election. Staying behind the scenes, the Sangh is busy creating an atmosphere in favor of the BJP. For this, the Sangh has sent a team of 300 volunteers to Milkipur. These volunteers are staying among the voters and preparing a strategy for victory.

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Sangh’s provincial campaigner Kaushal Kishore also held a meeting on Friday. In the meeting, a team of workers was deployed to feel the pulse of the voters of Milkipur. Small meetings are being held continuously. Not only this, volunteers are also keeping an eye on the discussions taking place at tea shops. An eye is also being kept on who is creating the atmosphere in favor of BJP, and how the atmosphere is being spoiled.

After this a damage control plan will be prepared. Sangh workers are also promoting government schemes during this period. Efforts are being made to tell the voters that the BJP government has done development work for the people even at the lower rungs.

The organization is already engaged to win the Milkipur by-election. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath himself has taken command. The Chief Minister has already made three visits just before the election announcement. Half a dozen ministers of the BJP government have camped in Milkipur. Now Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh has also taken command. The main responsibility of the Sangh is to make the negative environment positive. For this, 300 volunteers have been sent to Milkipur.

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